Wednesday, January 27, 2010

{My Altered Circut!!!}

Sorry there is no 'before' picture here.....but I'm sure everyone knows what the cricut's original color is.  lol  :-) 
This took much longer to get posted that I thought it would.  Not only have I not had much craft time lately which has put a damper on things....but I really really wanted to put a cherry rhinestone on her.....
Here she is in all her RED lovely glorly!!!  :-D

I was able to put a red rhinestone on the 'I' of the cricut....I wanted to see what the red rhinestones looked like against the red paint.  I like it.  :-D
I wasn't able to get a very good picture of it though, so I don't think you can see it very well....sorry :-(
I really, really, really LOVE how this turned out!!!

LOL  Everytime I walk by my craft room I'm like...."I have a RED cricut!!!"  lol  and I'm still loving my cuttle bug too!  :-D 
My cricut sits out on my desk and is just so fun to see as I walk by.  :-D

I wasn't able to find a cherry rhinestone that I liked ready made to put on her, so I was going to make my own.  I have a bunch of rhinestones that I picked up at Michael's on clearance after Christmas...and I have cherries on From My Kitchen cart that Hubby got me for Christmas...hehe... :-D  I still plan on doing this.....sometime.....when I get the time to get it all pulled since that is my plan.....and who KNOWS when it will ALL be put together.....I thought I would share this lovely red lady with ya'll!!!  :-D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

{Advent Family Activity Calendar Tree}

One of the blogs that I go to daily is Christmas With The Cricut .....they have amazing ideas over there....every day. 
One of them that I took and made my own is this advent calendar tree by Tammy...The tutorial on how to make the sour cream containers is here.  I can't remember if she goes more into detail on there or on her personal blog.  :-)

Here's my take on it!

I have one of those stacks of paper that has just Christmas papers in came in really handy this year when I finally decided to do a bunch of Christmas projects lol  I took an assortment of blues because that is what my house is done in.....any colors that you like would work well.
I decided to use dark blue and white for that tags....once again because I like blues and whites....also because I like snowflakes and I knew already that I wanted to use my snowflakes cuttlebug folder.  :-)  Tammy had used her Gypsy to make tags that had double numbers on them, but I don't have a Gypsy and I didn't have Design Studio at the time either (I'm going to try and make some for next year like that hehe) I also didn't have the same cart that she used for the letters......but if you look, most of the carts have letters, and I'm sure you can find something that would work.  :-)

First we decided that we were going to do family activites instead of candies.....for a couple reasons really.....(1) it's really hard to get four peices of candy into these cute sour cream containers lol  and (2) it would be pretty expensive to put four peices of candy into every one of these sour cream containers.  :-)  Besides, we really like the idea of teaching the boys that Christmas isn't just about candy and getting's about giving and doing things for family and doing things together as a family.  :-)

So yah!  I made a list of all the things that we wanted to do in the month of December....of course some were doubled, and some were really simple because we can't do something amazing and time consuming VERY SINGLE day.....I'm just not up for that lol  We did things like bake cookies, listen to Christmas music, watch Christmas movies, go on a walk around the neighborhood and look at Christmas lights....whatever works for your family.....and if you like the candy all means.....put candy in them!  :-D  That's always fun too!  :-D  Then I printed up a calendar for December of Calendar Creator (LOVE that program) and filled in all the dates since I was going to have to cordinate the numbers and the dates.....which also if you don't want to have to pay attention to this I would suggest the candy too.  I did candy for my Dad and sisters in Spokane and it was much faster because I didn't have to pay attention to this. lol 

For the tags I took the Base Camp cart becase I liked the stamp feature that it had and that I could cut the numbers out in the retangle feature also......and I figured out how many blue and how many white 'stamps' I needed and began cutting away.  Then I wrote down all the numbers and figured out how many of each white and blue I needed....and paid really close attention to the double numbers here......and cute away with those.  Then I got out my CuttleBug and my Snowflakes and Textile embossing folders.....I embossed the white withe the Snowflakes and the blue with the Textile.  I wish I had thought to take pictures of these....I'll get better at this I promise.....they were so pretty.  :-)  And then I glued them all together and punched a hole in the corner with my crop-a-dile from stampin up and tied a light blue ribbon through it to tie to the tree.  I got the tree at Dollar Tree for like $ was perfect for what I was using it for.....someday I'll get a nicer version for it, but it works for now.  :-) 

*I forgot to take pics of the other two that I did.  I made one if bright greens and cherry reds for my sisters and Dad that live in was mainly for Kara, but I hope they enjoyed it too.  :-)
And I also made one for my niece and nephew in California in dark red and cream colors because that's what my sister likes.  :-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

{My Altered CuttleBug!!!}

*Edit to post:  This rhinestone girl skull that I got was for a tshirt, so I didn't really pick the size of her I just saw her and wanted to use was the kind that you iron on. 
I forgot to mention this part of it....they were a HUGE pain to get on here....anyway on the part of the cuttlebug that opens up there is a curve and I didn't even think of it while picking the placement of the girl skull.....WELL now I have a BUNCH of rhinestones on the INSIDE of my cuttlebug and not a full girl skull on the outside because when you open it it knocked them off!  UGH!  Not too sure what I'm going to do to fix this....but working on it of course!  Thought I'd let ya know incase someone else didn't think of it like me.....sometimes I just get too carried away and don't see those little curves!  LOL

Please don't forget that I got my inspirations in my previous post I did here about altered cricuts....

Okay....well....I decided to go with the color red......which if you know me and my ideas for my craft room really is no suprize.....So I finally found the PERFECT color of red!  :-D 

It took me quite a while to take her

and not quite as long to annoy my hubby with my 'tape, tape, tape it up' song that I was singing LOL.....yupp I really am that much of a dork lol.....but anyway onto my pics for ya'll......

Here she is in all her loverly glory...........

Yupp it's official....I'm in lurve!!!  lol  :-D

On a side note....I'm still working on my cricut....she will be making her debut soon though!  :-D