Wednesday, December 16, 2009

{Christmas Present for Tante}

Just to be on the safe side......Tante is you are for some reason reading this.....DON'T!!!

I don't really think that my Tante reads this I'm pretty sure that she won't see this before I
 give it to her for Christmas......but if for some reason you are reading this.........please don't scroll down and see your gift before I'm able to give it to you!  :-P

For all of yous others that would like to see what I have been up to.....I finally finished one of my Christmas projects and got a Christmas present done!  Yay Me!  :-D
Man!  It has been stressful for me!  I'm hoping that I have been able to clear my head enough and with enough time to get enough done before Christmas!!!  :-D
Well here it is!  I hope ya'll like it!  I know that it's not the greatest picture....a lot of times it's a hit or miss with me and my pictures!  lol  This one was taken with my phone again!  lol

Wish me LUCK!

I also have the church Christmas Program that I am playing a flute part in that I need to be practing for!!!  AAHHH!!!

*Edit to post:  I ended up finding an idea that I will post about for my Tante that I liked better and I gave this to My Seeter for Christmas!  And she LOVED IT!  :-D

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