Saturday, October 24, 2009

{White Pumkpins}

Mr T & I were at Jo-Ann's looking at their scrapbook papers that they had one sale.  I didn't end up getting any.....sad....I know......but Mr T saw these......and I don't know if it's cuz I"ve been talking about wanting some white pumkpins or what really.....but they were 50% off so I got two of them.  And this is what I end up doing with them.  :-)  I know, I know it's hard to see really.....but this is the best pic I could get with my phone.....and they are in front of the tv lol  I took a sundae dish actually lol and turned it upside down and it was the perfect fit for the pumpkin and then I turned my huricanes upside down too and covered them!  They look so cute!  It kinda looks like the pumpkins are floating there!  lol  AND amazingly the kids don't really touch them!  Yay me!  :-D

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