Thursday, September 24, 2009

{Kara's Birthday Presents}

Here is a horrible picture of one of the birthday gifts that I made for Kara's 19th Birthday.  She really likes to draw, and also write plays.  So I took a clip board and I spray painted (this is prolly my bff now that I've met her lol) it purple on the front and back.  And then I took and put her name and a crown on the back of it and blinged it out for her since she is girly like me like that.  :-D  I wanted to leave the front of the clip board smooth so that when she is writting on it she has that smooth surface.  I also put some laminating material over it to help protect it.
I don't know if I didn't get any pictures of it......or if I just can't find them on my computer.....but I also got her a spiral notebook.....and I altered the cover of it for her.  It's in the same theme of her clip board and birthday card.  Pink, Purple, K, Crown..... :-D  I also put a BUNCH of ribbons on the spiral part of it.  I really liked the way it ended up turning out.  I also ended up putting the same laminating material over the cover of that too to help protect it.
I think this is a great gift idea for someone and I really enjoyed making it for her.  :-D

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